We guarantee the authenticity of every item that we sell based on expert opinion of qualified experts within the art community. The exception to this authenticity guarantee are lots that are listed as: "in the style of", "attributed to", "the school of", "in the manner of", or "after" the artist. We make every effort to accurately describe our merchandise and to make sure that the merchandise meets our customers expectations and overall satisfaction. Therefore, in the event that the merchandise is found to be inaccurately described for any reason, the Kenneth Dean Fine Art Gallery will issue, upon the customers written request within 90 days of date of purchase and the items safe return back to the Kenneth Dean Gallery, the full purchase price less any and all shipping and handling fees incurred. It is the buyer's sole responsibility to be well informed before purchasing or making an offer. Purchasing on our website indicates that you accepts these terms as the terms of the sale.
We guarantee objects to be an authentic work by the artist listed. We make every effort to insure that all artwork is authentic and is represented accurately. If the authenticity of a purchased object is contested, it must be made known to us within 90 days from the date of sale and must be contested using the following process:
1) A written letter from a noted authority presented to us, declaring the object to be executed by someone other than the artist listed.
2) This authority has no vested interest in the artist's work or the estate of the artist.
3) The object is returned to us in the same condition in which it was purchased.
4) If all the above criteria is met, ONLY full purchase price of the item will be refunded; there will be no compensation for damages, loss of profit, professional fees, transportation or any other costs.
If you have any questions regarding the condition of a particular item, we would be happy to provide addition photographs as well as an opinion of the condition, but otherwise all works are sold as viewed. It is important to note as part of our disclaimer, that any report that we give concerning such items, is not considered a professional conservator's evaluation. If a work is in obvious need of repair, or has obvious imperfections, we will attempt to note it in the description. If a painting is excessively dirty, we will attempt to note it in the description; however, we do not feel that the normal darkening of varnish over years is problematic, and it will not be noted in the description. If you would like for us to give our opinion regarding whether or not a work needs to be cleaned, please contact us. We believe it is important for you to know the condition of a work before you bid on it. We strongly recommend that you contact if you have any questions or concerns before your purchase.
It is the buyer's sole responsibility to be knowledgeable about the condition of the property before making a purchase. We encourage you to e-mail us your requests for additional photos and condition report prior to purchase. Our staff will give you our opinion of condition, answer any questions, and send photos if necessary. It is the buyer's responsibility to be aware of all conditions, addendums, and corrections before making a purchase.
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